An inspiring day with Food for Life

We work with local authorities across the UK to make good food the norm, supporting schools nurseries and caterers to serve up freshly prepared food and get people connected with where food comes from. One part of this is running training sessions for teachers and school staff so that they can learn new skills to bring back to their school and pass on to pupils.

At lunch, everyone enjoys chatting and there’s lots of conversations happening between different schools as they share ideas and identify shared problems. Participants enjoy the food they made this morning as well as bread, crackers, cheese, vegetables and dips.

In the afternoon, we talk about farm links, an important part of the Food for Life Schools Award. Whether a school is able to visit a farm in person or organise a virtual visit, connecting with the people who grow and produce our food is a vital understanding for children to make. As well as going through the how-to of arranging a visit, we also share a list of farmers and food producers they can contact in Leicestershire.

After a busy and inspiring day, participants leave feeling more confident in being able to support a positive food environment within their school and organise their own growing and cooking activities. They don’t leave empty handed either, as well as taking their seed tape and paper pots they also go away with a variety of resources to support their good journey, including a Food for Life Schools Award planning sheet, information on funded opportunities and further training, and information on upcoming campaigns to get involved with for further free resources and support.

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