09 June 2023
Executive Headteacher Rosalind Hopkins shares:
“Our children don’t just come to the school site and go home again. They experience so much outside and are visible in the community. It gives then great opportunities and sets them up for life beyond school.”
Pupils at Birch Wood are enthusiastic about linking with farms and food producers as part of their Food for Life work. The school have used resources, such as Leicestershire local food producer films, and links with local food producers like Brockleby Pies to help pupils understand where their food comes from. The pupils have also visited a local farm, March House Farm, and undertaken work experience. This strengthens links with the local community as well as offering potential career opportunities.
Food for Life activities in the school have enhanced the pupil’s experience of food and created a positive food culture, allowing passions for growing, cooking and food production to develop. As a result, pupils have moved on to college courses in horticulture, completed cooking career qualifications, and started jobs working in local restaurant kitchens.
The Celebration Event
To celebrate their Food for Life Silver Award, pupils showcased their links with March House Farm and the catering skills they have learned by designing, sourcing and creating an incredible buffet to celebrate the occasion. They had visited the farm shop the day before and purchased a delightful array of locally produced foods including pork pies, cheese, fruit and homemade smoothies. The wonderfully presented feast was enjoyed by all.
Staff and pupils were able to show the guests around the gardens and growing area. The staff shared how, as a result of working with Food for Life, the pupils are connected with nature and understand their environment. The staff explained that part of the garden area isused as a community café. The community café has allowed pupils to develop cooking skills, build relationships with the local community, and connect over food.