26 August 2024
Can you introduce yourself and your background?
Tim Radcliffe Net Zero Food Programme Manager for NHS England. 40 years' experience in the food industry. Most recently in the NHS first at Royal Blackburn Teaching Hospital as Facilities manager now at NHS England.
What’s your role in Love British Food?
I have been appointed as a Non-executive Director, working with three other directors to help guide Love British Food forward as a Social Enterprise.
Why is it important for caterers to think about using British ingredients?
We need to increase the robustness of our supply chain, have more transparency and invest in our communities.
What have been your biggest successes this year?
The farm visits we have arranged attended by 43 hospitals from 36 NHS Trusts. 193 change-makers reached. Morrisons becoming our retail partner.
What have been the biggest challenges?
Turning those visits into tangible results and getting trusts to invest in more British produce. We are still waiting for the Government Buying Standards for Food to back this approach. Rising food costs across the board have proved to be challenging.
What is your vision for Love British Food over the next 12 months?
British food fortnight to be a roaring success, with more trusts, schools and restaurants being involved than ever before. The importance of connecting with growers, breeders and producers to be embedded in our consciousness and most importantly that seasonal British food is served more regularly in hospitals.
How does your work with Love British Food compliment your Net Zero Programme Manager role at NHS England?
Whilst food miles are not a true indicator of sustainable food, it is vital that we ensure that we increase our ability to be self-sufficient in some foods. Using seasonal produce that is produced in the UK will help trusts achieve net zero targets. The two roles complement each other perfectly.
Love British Food is the campaigning organisation that works at grassroots and industry level to encourage sustainable supply chains.
British Food Fortnight runs from 20th September until 6th October.