Local produce within sustainable catering

Local produce within sustainable catering

Food for Life Served Here certification at silver & gold celebrate caterers using locally sourced produce and raw ingredients from the UK.   

Here’s some reasons why we, at the Soil Association, think it’s important to source and highlight locally produced ingredients on your menus. 

Why use Local Produce?

Sourcing produce locally helps support local farmers and local businesses

Research has shown that for every £1 invested in the local economy, there could be return of up to £3 which helps to secure jobs, food businesses and can give farmers a market for their produce

Buying local and British

can help to lower your Scope 3 carbon emissions as the food miles can be reduced

Higher welfare standards

British livestock farmers have a higher welfare standard than other countries. No growth hormones are allowed, and pig & poultry farms have higher standards around the conditions the animals live in. FFLSH only allows the use of UK Farm Assured meat but if it’s locally produced too then that’s even better.

Cost effective

Using seasonal food grown in Britain can offer a difference in menus and allows caterers to take advantage of cheaper produce when there’s a glut 

Supporting the local economy

Promoting local food stories on menus can raise the perception of the food being served and shows the care you take in finding ingredients that make a difference to your local economy 

Make your menu stand out

Understanding local traditions and preferences around food and showing those through your menus gives your food individuality 

Celebrate buying local

Talk to your suppliers

Find out if they can provide information on the produce you’re buying and where it’s grown or produced

Choose suppliers that are able to support you

Build positive relationships so they can make you aware of changes in seasonality and new produce

Think of ways to tell the stories around the food you buy

When using ingredients or products that are locally produced, ensure you’re talking about it, either through your menu, on your website or maps in your dining space 

Get the producers and growers involved

Invite the producers or farmers along to your food service to talk about their work and their produce

Communicate your requirements to suppliers

When you’re writing new tenders for fresh produce think about what you want and how you can get the best out of suppliers with the language you use 

Include your staff

Can you get your staff out onto farms to ensure they are bought in to your vision and are enthusiastic?

Check out our Out on the Farm training packages.

As part of celebrating British produce, we are supporting both Organic September and Love British Food Fortnight, and we encourage you to get involved. 

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