New data confirms votes for Free School Meals


New data from recent polls shows that voters across both major parties are supportive of extending free school meals, to make sure every child has access to at least one healthy and sustainable nourishing meal every day.

As our children head back to school, primary school pupils in London are benefiting from a one-year trial to provide free school meals to all children, but this is not the case everywhere. 

With cost of living and inflation rises continuing, the importance of making sure school children have access to healthy and nutritious meals is essential for their health, well-being and learning.

As part of our work in the #FeedtheFuture coalition and our involvement in the School Food Review Working Group, Food For Life can share that the latest data shows:
  • 71% of voters think that the income threshold to qualify for Free School Meals is too low or should not exist at all
  • 82% of prospective Labour voters and 53% of prospective Conservative voters support the expansion of Free School Meals
The data, available here, shows that the extensions for free school meals should at least go to all those receiving Universal Credit, and ultimately should be extended to all.

Extending Free School Meals increasingly looks like a vote winner.
"This polling shows there is widespread support across the political spectrum. Hats off to the Mayor of London and other bold local leaders who have recognised the superpowers of Free School Meals and expanded provision. We now need action from the Government to ensure every child has equal access to at least one hot meal a day, wherever they live.” Rob Percival, Head of Policy – Food and Health.

As part of Food For Life’s ongoing work to support every child having one healthy meal, every day, , we are working hard to ensure policy makers are bringing these vital policies in to their manifestos ahead of the election. 
You can get involved too, either by writing to your MP with this easy form to confirm your support or by joining this week’s campaign of social media #JointheJoyscroll
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