Pupils and teachers at this Lancashire primary school have been making use of Food for Life’s Cook and Share resources to cook up a storm.
Starting with a butternut squash soup and garlic pin wheels, as pupils built their cooking confidence they were able to move on to making a lentil, spinach and carrot ragu. They even used herbs grown in the school garden! The ragu was served with spaghetti, grated cheese, and a tomato, garlic and herb focaccia made by pupils in reception.
It was a great team effort, and all pupils tried the food, with families joining them to enjoy a meal together too. There was even enough focaccia for pupils to enjoy the next day at breaktime, and they loved getting to enjoy their home cooking the next day.
The teachers enjoyed seeing the pupils getting adventurous with cooking and trying new food. One parent was so delighted to be invited to join the session that they donated an air fryer to the school to be used in future sessions. The school are looking forward to making good use of it and organising more cooking activities in the future, including as part of Plant and Share in April.