14 June 2023
As part of their Food for Life work, Sir John Moore have connected with local food producers, allotments and farmers to give pupils the opportunity to experience the natural environment and food production.
This entrepreneurial school are pioneers in Leicestershire as the first school to work with David McDowell, The Bee Farmer, as part of his School for Bees scheme. The pupils have hands on experience in building and maintaining the beehives and understand the importance of bees as pollinators. The honey is harvested and used in school recipes as well as sold to parents and the wider school community. The pupils are incredibly proud of the honey they harvest and show a high level of understanding of how to look after their school environment in order for the bees to thrive. They also demonstrate how to be confident and safe around bees.
As well as growing herbs to sell alongside recipe cards at the summer fayre, pupil’s attend a regular community café in the village, connecting with and serving meals to the community.
Anthea Lawton, Food for Life Lead explains the positive impact this has had on the pupils and older generation:
“At first, the older people weren’t too sure about talking to the children. However, as they ate and chatted together, the confidence of both the community members and the pupils have grown.”
Find out more on Twitter @SJMSchool