The Superpowers of School Food

To put this front and centre with MPs, Oona Buttafoco, Senior Policy Officer at Food for Life, travelled to London to attend The Superpowers of School Food: Breakfast and Beyond.

This event was organised to launch the School Food Review’s new report, which brings together organisations working across school food. This is a comprehensive report that evidences the many benefits of extending free school meal provision, beginning with the almost 1 million children in poverty who aren’t currently eligible. We were proud to be involved in the behind the scenes of this report and to be part of this unified voice.

The event was also made up of three panel sessions which highlighted the lived experience of people working with school food and those who eat it, including a 16-year-old Food Foundation food ambassador. We heard about how school meals help relieve the financial burden and stress of providing a healthy lunch every day for parents and how investing in it is investing in children’s education and future. 

20 MPs and peers attended the event as well as ten MP staffers. This engagement highlights the urgency of these issues and that it’s beginning to resonate with MPs who want to see free school meal provision expanded.

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