09 September 2021
Using growing packs that contained compost, pots and seeds, the children and older people planted up lots of varieties of veg, including radishes, scallions and herbs, in the garden with the help of volunteers. Older people and children alike used journals to reflect on the planting – older people enjoyed using these to reflect on the past and the memories. By October the crops were ready to harvest and enjoyed by the children and older people!
Kelly Molloy, Wee Chicks director and founder, said, “The children loved watching the plants grow and taking care of them, and they especially loved pulling them out.”
This year, Wee and Wise are excited for more planting and sharing, and have already planted tomatoes, basil and pea shoots to be shared with the older people later on in the season.
“We are all very excited”, said Kelly.
Feeling inspired? Find out more about Plant and Share Month.