29 June 2022
Despite this, our FFLSH caterers have stepped up to this challenge and we are even more thrilled to learn that our Food for Life Served Here caterers feature prominently on the list.
A special mention to Alyson Marsh at Educaterers who has been nominated for the LACA Unsung Hero Award.
Congratulations to all our hardworking caterers nominated for this award!
Caron Longden, Development Lead for FFLSH and Green Kitchen Standard (GKS) says: “It’s great to see our caterers recognised for serving excellent food that is good for our climate, nature and health. Throughout all the challenges around supply and cost, which have been many and are ongoing, school caterers continue to deliver a fantastic service they should be proud of. Congratulations to all nominees from our team.”
Food for Life Served Here (FFLSH) supports public and private sector caterers to serve food that is fresh and good for our climate, nature and health.
Food for Life Served Here standard meals in education positively impact pupils eating the meals, the schools themselves, the teams involved in cooking them and the local economy.
Interested in supporting healthy and sustainable diets through the meals you serve? Find out more about Food for Life Served Here.